This is one meal to impress dinner guests that will not break the bank nor will it take very much time! Served with a green salad, red potatoes, and asparagus, this meal will turn out with a memorable...
My favorite pork recipe that a friend shared with me and I have to share with you! Few ingredients, easy to prepare, and excellent flavor. What's not to like? This pork is great by itself or sliced up...
Pork tenderloin coated in Dijon mustard, and served with a Marsala mustard sauce. Absolutely delicious! Try the sauce over other cuts of meat and vegetables.
I created this recipe through a series of trial and error. As they say, practice makes perfect. You can make the marinade and cook the loin immediately or you can let the pork soak overnight. Either way,...
Sometimes you just have to show off. This is one of my many recipes that looks very impressive to your dinner guests but is, in fact, quite simple and easy to prepare.
My husband and I came up with an easy (and tasty) slow cooker meal in preparation for Hurricane Sandy. It has an eclectic blend of curry, maple syrup, and ground mustard to create a mouth-watering dish!...
Pork tenderloin coated in Dijon mustard, and served with a Marsala mustard sauce. Absolutely delicious! Try the sauce over other cuts of meat and vegetables.
This is one meal to impress dinner guests that will not break the bank nor will it take very much time! Served with a green salad, red potatoes, and asparagus, this meal will turn out with a memorable...
This pork tenderloin cooks all day in the slow cooker with a creamy Dijon and sour cream sauce. It melts in your mouth. I serve it with mashed potatoes and roasted green beans.
Pork cutlets are stuffed with peaches, jalapeno, and sausage and rolled into rollatini and grilled for a quick and easy weeknight dinner that looks gourmet. This recipe was made in a Panasonic CIO and...
This is so easy - just one dish to complete an entire meal. The pork and potatoes melt in your mouth! We also like to buy a seasoned tenderloin for a special meal, just follow the same directions and omit...
I thought I'd seen all there was to see when it came to pan-fried pork cutlets, but then I saw something called Katsu 'Mille-Feuille,' and I realized I hadn't seen anything yet. Okay, I'm being a little...
If you leave Indiana, nobody will know what you are talking about. But if you come visit us, you will make it a point to grab one of these on your next trip back!
One of my favorite flavor combinations ever! This pork dish combines the strength of garlic with the sweetness of red pepper balanced by a tangy lemon garnish.
One of my favorite flavor combinations ever! This pork dish combines the strength of garlic with the sweetness of red pepper balanced by a tangy lemon garnish.
My favorite candy growing up was the chocolate covered cherry. The way that thin, crisp chocolate would break away to reveal the florescent red maraschino cherry suspended in the clear syrup was intoxicating....
This dish fills the house with an incredible aroma. The sweet and sour flavor of the spiced rhubarb sauce is truly mouth-watering. If fresh rhubarb is not available, frozen may be used. You can substitute...
I'm sharing not only what I think is the perfect fall roast, but two key culinary skills-how to properly cook lean meat and how to make a fast, easy, and delicious pan sauce.
This is one of my favorite recipes to make when I know people are coming over because there is no way to make this dish look ugly or taste bad. White wine or apple juice may be substituted for the apple...
A wonderfully elegant and easy pork tenderloin dish with a creamy herbed wine sauce. Very rich, without all of the fat and calories! Serve with garlic mashed potatoes. A wonderful dish.
A wonderful overnight marinade makes the pork so flavorful - serve with the delicious, creamy mustard sauce. A super dish for buffets and potlucks, as it doesn't need to be piping hot. I never cease to...
This recipe is a summer barbecue treat. With most of the ingredients coming right out of my own garden, I felt it necessary to give the dish the title I did.
This is sooo simple and the flavor is wonderful! My husbands uncle gave us this recipe years ago, it is a staple in our home! Great with pasta or rice!